Sunday, March 2, 2008

Visual C++ 6 Quick Reference

How This Book Is Organized

This book is composed of 11 parts, each of which covers a specific area of the Visual C++ program or Visual C++ programming. To find particular information on a Visual C++ subject, first figure out what classification it falls under, and then look at the alphabetical listings in that part. For example, if you want to find out how to declare a pointer in Visual C++, go to the part on Constants, Arrays, and Variables, look alphabetically until you get to pointers, and there it is!

The parts of this book are organized by subject matter, as follows:

Part I: Getting to Know Visual C++: In this part you can get your feet wet with the Visual C++ Integrated Development Environment, including customizing the environment, using and customizing toolbars, and starting Visual C++.

Part II: Creating a New Application: This part tells you how Visual C++ makes it easy to create Windows applications. In fact, you can create a working Windows application in minutes using the steps detailed in this part.

Part III: Building and Debugging a Project: This part provides you with what you need to know to add code to your application and debug that code.

Part IV: The Resource Workshop: The resource workshop is the part of Visual C++ where you add ways for the user to interact with your program (buttons, dialog boxes, and so on) and where you tell your program how to handle the messages created by all those user clicks and keystrokes.

Part V: The Help Workshop: Because the job's not over 'til the paperwork's done, you can find help for creating help files in this chapter. The work you do in creating a help file can really pay off in terms of the time you don't lose answering users' questions later.

Part VI: Constants, Arrays, and Variables: This part helps you out with the syntax for declaring constants, arrays, and various variables in Visual C++.

Part VII: Decision-Making Statements: This part tells you about the use and syntax of the four decision-making statements in Visual C++: i f, for, whi 1 e, and swi tch.

Part VIII: Classes: Classes allow you to write reusable object-oriented code. This part tells you the syntax for working with classes.

Part IX: Operators: This part can refresh your memory about how operators work in C++.

Part X: Taking Advantage of Windows: From splash screens to Registry entries, this part tells you about using features of Windows in your programs.

Part XI: The Microsoft Foundation Class: This part gives points out some aspects of the Microsoft Foundation Class — reusable code that comes with Visual C++.

Glossary: Techie Talk: Look up unfamiliar words in this part.
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Anonymous said...


manoj kumar prajapati said...

very essentianl book

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