Thursday, May 29, 2008

InDesign CS2 For Macintosh And Windows - Visual QuickStart Guide (2005)

Using This Book

If you have used any of the other Visual QuickStart Guides, you will find this book to be similar. Each chapter is divided into different sections that deal with a specific topic — usually a tool or command. For instance, the chapter on text has sections on creating text frames, typing text, selecting text, and so on.

Each of the sections contains numbered exercises that show you how to perform a specific technique. As you work through the steps, you gain an understanding of the technique or feature. The illustrations help you judge if you are following the steps correctly.

I've also sprinkled sidebars, printed in gray boxes, throughout the chapters. Some of these sidebars give you a bit of history or background for a specific feature. Other times, I've written out humorous stories about desktop publishing. These sidebars are the same as the little stories and anecdotes I tell my students in the classes I teach.


You will find it easier to use this book once you understand the terms I am using. This is especially important since some other computer books use terms differently. Therefore, here are the terms I use in the book and explanations of what they mean.

Click refers to pressing down and releasing the mouse button on the Macintosh, or the left mouse button on Windows. You must release the mouse button or it is not a click.

Press means to hold down the mouse button, or a keyboard key.

Press and drag means to hold the mouse button down and then move the mouse. I also use the shorthand term drag. Just remember that you have to press and hold as you drag the mouse.
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