Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wireless Hacks - 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools 2003

How This Book Is Organized

This book is divided into several subjects by chapter:

Chapter 1 The Standards

Wireless technology has not only produced impressive improvements to communications, but also has produced an impressive list of acronyms. What is the difference between GPRS and GMRS? Which is fastest, 802.11, 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, or 802.16? Exactly how do Wi-Fi and Bluetooth fit into all of this? This chapter will give you a good idea of what problems each technology is designed to solve, their relative strengths and weaknesses, and how to make the best possible use of each to solve your communication needs.

Chapter 2 Bluetooth and Mobile Data

The last couple of years have brought millions of tiny battery-powered wireless devices to market. Some will get you an Internet connection just about anywhere with mobile phone service, while others keep your devices connected to the "last ten feet." This chapter demonstrates some uses for these technologies, which will keep your devices (and yourself) hyperconnected, without wires.

Chapter 3 Network Monitoring

Wireless networking can be a lot of fun, but when it breaks, troubleshooting can be difficult without a good idea of what is really happening. This chapter will give you the tools you need to detect the presence of wireless networks, coordinate spectrum usage to avoid interference, and visualize network performance. It also covers a number of advanced data monitoring techniques to pinpoint networking issues and even get an idea of your users' online habits.

Chapter 4 Hardware Hacks

If it weren't for the hardware, there would be no such thing as wireless networks. This extensive chapter tells you how to push wireless hardware to the limits, extending range and increasing performance and efficiency. A large collection of microwave cables, connectors, antennas, and other components are presented, along with sources and recommendations on how best to use them. When that's not enough, you will find everything you need to know to build your own network access point from scratch.

Chapter 5 Do-It-Yourself Antennas

Since the first electrical spark was transmitted a few feet across a room more than 100 years ago, antenna design has been a fascination for wireless experimenters everywhere. This chapter presents several home-brew designs for wireless networking made by contributors from all over the world. These are practical, tested designs that can significantly extend the range of your wireless network.

Chapter 6 Long Distance Links

Having the equipment in place is one thing, but being able to make a wireless segment stretch for miles requires real-world experience. This chapter is a collection of techniques to help simplify the job of building long distance networks.

Chapter 7 Wireless Security

There has been a lot of press recently about the insecurity of wireless networks. In many cases, these alarmist reports are in fact absolutely true—the vast majority of wireless networks are either unintentionally left open, or worse, rely on unreliable methods for keeping them secure. This chapter explores the current standards for securing wireless networks, and suggests several strong methods for protecting yourself and your wireless users from abuse.
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