Sunday, June 29, 2008


Teach Yourself HTML In 10 Minutes, 4th Edition (2006)


If you're reading this book, you must have some idea of what HTML is, right? Maybe you already know that HTML is the language of the Internet and that far from being a complex programming language requiring years to perfect, HTML is actually a simple markup language that you can learn very quickly. XHTML is the latest version of HTML. You'll learn more about how these two standards work together to create Web pages in later chapters.

You're probably thinking that if you knew how to create documents in HTML, you could help your company earn more money, or better yet, help you earn more money.

What you probably don't know is how to get started. How do you learn that language and what's it going to cost?

What You Need to Know Before Using This Book

Guess what? You can create HTML documents on any computer system because HTML works the same on any type of computer. Even better, you can use software that you already own to do it. Any kind of text editor (such as Microsoft Notepad) can be used.

Because we're covering a lot in 10 minutes, it will certainly help as you go through this book if you already have some basic computer skills (including the ability to use a word processor, some understanding of how to use directories and filenames on your computer system, and some experience using a Web browser such as Netscape or Internet Explorer).




Teach Yourself Adobe Photoshop CS2 In 24 Hours (2005)


Photoshop CS2 is the latest and greatest version of a program that has set the standard for image manipulation since 1987. The new version has lots of new features, including Smart Objects, a beefed-up File Browser that's been renamed Bridge, a new Red Eye tool, Reduce Noise and Smart Sharpen commands for cleaning up photos, and a lot of "under-the-hood" enhancements that make your work easier and quicker. If you've used an earlier version of Photoshop, you'll be amazed at how much more powerful this one is. If this is your first experience with Photoshop, you'll be blown away. It's that good! The big surprise for first-time users is that it's really not as difficult to work with as it looks. If you have used any other Adobe software, the Photoshop interface will be immediately familiar to you. If this is your first step into creating digital graphics, you'll find the going easier if you work on the hours of this book one at a time and don't skip the activities or exercises.

Also, please be aware that this book was written using beta versions of the software. As such, some of the figures might be slightly different from what you see on your screen. Nevertheless, every possible effort has been made to keep the book as accurate as possible.

There's honestly no way to become an overnight expert, be it in Photoshop or anything else, but Sams Teach Yourself Adobe Photoshop CS2 in 24 Hours will get you up and running in 24 hours or less. It's divided into 24 one-hour lessons, rather than chapters. Each lesson should take you about an hour to complete. Some lessons might need more time; others, less time. Please don't try to do it all in one 24-hour day, even if you could. The best way to learn is to take an hour or two between the lesson sessions to try out what you've learned. You'll want to simply poke around, and see what's on the menus and what happens when you click here and there.

Here's one for you to start with: Open the About Photoshop window and wait for a minute. You'll see it start to scroll through the list of all the people who worked on the program. Watch carefully for the very last name on the list. It's a pleasant surprise.

Ready? Let's get to work.




SUSE Linux - A Complete Guide To Novell's Community Distribution (2006)

How This Book Is Organized

Each chapter consists of a series of labs, each of which introduces a new feature or capability, shows how it's used, and then walks you through an example, explaining the details you need to understand along the way. You'll also find "What About..." sections that attempt to anticipate and answer follow-up questions, as well as "Where to Learn More" sections that tell you where you can learn more about each topic.

Chapter 1, Quick Start

Introduces SUSE Linux, and gets you up and running quickly, with labs that show you how to install SUSE and get all your essentials connected and configured.

Chapter 2, Basic System Administration

Covers basic system administration for desktop machines, but much of this will apply to notebook users as well. You'll learn how to work with text files, find your way around the filesystem, and more.

Chapter 3, Using SUSE Linux on Your Desktop

Describes how to start putting SUSE Linux to work. You'll find help for getting the X Window System working just right, and find your way around the KDE and GNOME desktop environments.

Chapter 4, Using Linux on Your Laptop

Shows laptop users how to get everything set up just right with SUSE Linux, including laptop power management and wireless networking.

Chapter 5, Package Management

Describes all about package management. You'll learn how to install new software from local media and from the Internet, and to use package management tools to avoid conflicts and version discrepancies during upgrades, and you'll discover how easy it is to build software from source.

Chapter 6, System Administration for Servers

Focuses on the server capabilities of SUSE. Even if you are primarily a desktop user, there might be something in here for you. You'll learn how to specify which services start up when your computer starts up, how to work with disk partitions, and more.

Chapter 7, Network Services

Dives into network services such as email, file sharing, and more.

Chapter 8, Security

Gives you a comprehensive collection of labs that explain how to keep your system secure. You'll learn how to set up a firewall, restrict access, and monitor attempts to break into your server.

Chapter 9, Alternative Installations

Explains other ways you can install SUSE, from dual-boot configurations to virtual machine installations with Xen.




Succeeding At Your Yahoo Business (2006)

The Yahoo! Stores have grown into one of the largest online shopping destinations on the Web today. The nearly 20,000 Yahoo! Stores have a 71% reach among online consumers, the highest on the Web. Many of these stores have become so successful that they have grown from small 'mom and pop' or part time businesses into full time money-making ventures. A whole new set of skills and knowledge are needed to operate a Yahoo Store like a full time eCommerce business.

Succeeding At Your Yahoo! Business teaches you how to customize a Yahoo! Store using the basic elements of the popular web design program Dreamweaver, including architecting an eCommerce web site. It then takes three different types of Yahoo! Stores and deconstructs them, showing you how they are formed and how they sell the products or services they offer. There is also an entire section on how to position a Yahoo! Store, acquire customers, and retain those customers. Finally, the book will show you how to set up the necessary accounting and operations systems, and how to hire the staff necessary to successfully run your business.

Who Should Buy This Book

Unlike our first book, Launching Your Yahoo! Business, which was for those who wanted to dip their toe into the e-commerce ocean, this book is for a small to medium-size part-time business or a current full-time business that needs the skills and knowledge to set up and run a true full-time business and take advantage of the successful e-commerce strategies and tactics in use today.

You might already have a standard Yahoo! store and want to customize it and evolve it into a full-time business. Or you might have an online business idea and want to leap into the e-commerce water with both feet and create a full-time online business. Either way, this book can steer you in the right direction to succeed at making a living with the Yahoo! store program.

What's in This Book

First, this book informs the reader how to customize a Yahoo! store using the basic elements of the Yahoo! store Catalog Manager, including how to architect an e-commerce website. It then deconstructs three different types of Yahoo! stores, showing how they are formed and how they sell the products or services they offer. An entire section covers how to position a Yahoo! store, acquire customers, retain those customers, and monetize the traffic to the store. Finally, this book shows how to set up the necessary accounting and operations systems to successfully run a business, and how to acquire and hire the necessary staff.



Stealing The Network - How To Own A Continent (2004)

The first book in this series Stealing the Network: How to Own the Box created a new genre of “Cyber-Thrillers,” that told fictional stories about individual hackers using real technologies. This second book in the series Stealing the Network: How to Own a Continent (or STC for short) introduces the concept of hacker groups, and the damage they can inflict through a concerted, orchestrated string of malicious attacks. The “Stealing” books are unique in both the fiction and computer book categories. They combine accounts that are fictional with technology that is very real. While none of these specific events have happened, there is no reason why they could not. You could argue it provides a roadmap for criminal hackers, but I say it does something else: It provides a glimpse into the creative minds of some of today’s best hackers, and even the best hackers will tell you that the game is a mental one. The phrase “Root is a state of mind,” coined by K0resh and printed on shirts from DEF CON, sums this up nicely. While you may have the skills, if you lack the mental fortitude, you will never reach the top. This is what separates the truly elite hackers from the wannabe hackers.

When I say hackers, I don’t mean criminals. There has been a lot of confusion surrounding this terminology, ever since the mass media started reporting computer break-ins. Originally, it was a compliment applied to technically adept computer programmers and system administrators. If you had a problem with your system and you needed it fixed quickly, you got your best hacker on the job. They might “hack up” the source code to fix things, because they knew the big picture. While other people may know how different parts of the system work, hackers have the big picture in mind while working on the smallest details. This perspective gives them great flexibility when approaching a problem, because they don’t expect the first thing they try to work.

The book Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, by Steven Levy (1984), really captured the early ethic of hackers and laid the foundation for what was to come. Since then, the term hacker has been co-opted through media hype and marketing campaigns to mean something evil. It was a convenient term already in use, and so instead of simply saying someone was a criminal hacker, the media just called him a hacker. You would not describe a criminal auto mechanic as simply a mechanic, and you shouldn’t do the same with a hacker, either.

When the first Web site defacement took place in 1995 for the movie Hackers, the race was on. Web defacement teams sprung up over night. Groups battled to outdo each other in both quantity and quality of the sites broken into. No one was safe, including The New York Times and the White House. Since then, the large majority of criminal hacking online is performed by “script-kiddies”— those who have the tools but not the knowledge. This vast legion creates the background noise that security professionals must deal with when defending their networks. How can you tell if the attack against you is a simple script or just the beginning of a sophisticated campaign to break in? Many times you can’t. My logs are full of attempted break-ins, but I couldn’t tell you which ones were a serious attempt and which ones were some automated bulk vulnerability scan. I simply don’t have the time or the resources to determine which threats are real, and neither does the rest of the world. Many attackers count on this fact.

How do the attackers do this? Generally, there are three types of attacks. Purely technical attacks rely on software, protocol, or configuration weaknesses exhibited by your systems, and these are exploited to gain access. These attacks can come from any place on the planet, and they are usually chained through many systems to obscure their ultimate source. The vast majority of attacks in the world today are mostly this type, because they can be automated easily. They are also the easiest to defend against.

Physical attacks rely on weaknesses surrounding your system. These may take the form of dumpster diving for discarded password and configuration information or secretly applying a keystroke-logging device to your computer system. In the past, people have physically tapped into fax phone lines to record documents, tapped into phone systems to listen to voice calls, and picked their way through locks into phone company central offices. These attacks bypass your information security precautions and go straight to the target. They work because people think of physical security as separate from information security. To perform a physical attack, you need to be where the information is, something that greatly reduces my risk, since not many hackers in India are likely to hop a jet to come attack my network in Seattle. These attacks are harder to defend against but less likely to occur.

Social engineering (SE) attacks rely on trust. By convincing someone to trust you, on the phone or in person, you can learn all kinds of secrets. By calling a company’s help desk and pretending to be a new employee, you might learn about the phone numbers to the dial-up modem bank, how you should configure your software, and if you think the technical people defending the system have the skills to keep you out. These attacks are generally performed over the phone after substantial research has been done on the target. They are hard to defend against in a large company because everyone generally wants to help each other out, and the right hand usually doesn’t know what the left is up to. Because these attacks are voice-oriented, they can be performed from anyplace in the world where a phone line is available. Just like the technical attack, skilled SE attackers will chain their voice call through many hops to hide their location.

When criminals combine these attacks, they can truly be scary. Only the most paranoid can defend against them, and the cost of being paranoid is often prohibitive to even the largest company. For example, in 1989, when Kevin Poulson wanted to know if Pac Bell was onto his phone phreaking, he decided to find out. What better way than to dress up as a phone company employee and go look? With his extensive knowledge of phone company lingo, he was able to talk to the talk, and with the right clothes, he was able to walk the walk. His feet took him right into the Security department’s offices in San Francisco, and after reading about himself in the company’s file cabinets, he knew that they were after him.

While working for Ernst & Young, I was hired to break into the corporate headquarters of a regional bank. By hiding in the bank building until the cleaners arrived, I was able to walk into the Loan department with two other people dressed in suits. We pretended we knew what we were doing. When questioned by the last employee in that department, we said that we were with the auditors. That was enough to make that employee leave us in silence; after all, banks are always being audited by someone. From there, it was up to the executive level. With a combination of keyboard loggers on the secretary’s computer and lock picking our way into the president’s offices, we were able to establish a foothold in the bank’s systems. Once we started attacking that network from the inside, it was pretty much game over.

The criminal hacker group in STC led by mastermind Bob Knuth, deftly combines these various types of attacks in an attempt to compromise the security of financial institutions across an entire continent, and stealing hundreds of millions of dollars in the process. Hacking is not easy. Some of the best hackers spend months working on one exploit. At the end of all that work, the exploit may turn out to not be reliable or to not function at all! Breaking into a site is the same way. Hackers may spend weeks performing reconnaissance on a site, only to find out there is no practical way in, so it’s back to the drawing board. STC takes you inside the minds of the hackers as they research and develop their attacks, and then provides realistic, technical details on how such attacks could possibly be carried out.

In movies, Hollywood tends to gloss over this fact about the time involved in hacking. Who wants to watch while a hacker does research and tests bugs for weeks? It’s not a visual activity like watching bank robbers in action, and it’s not something the public has experience with and can relate to. In the movie Hackers, the director tried to get around this by using a visual montage and some time-lapse effects. In Swordfish, hacking is portrayed by drinking wine to become inspired to visually build a virus in one night. This is why the Stealing books are very different from anything you have ever read or seen. These books are written by some the world’s most accomplished cyber-security specialists, and they spare no details in demonstrating the techniques used by motivated, criminal hackers.

There have always been both individual hackers, and groups of hackers like the one portrayed in STC. From the earliest days of the ‘414’ BBS hackers to modern hacking groups, there is always mystery surrounding the most successful teams. While the lone hacker is easy to understand, the groups are always more complicated due to internal politics and the manner in which they evolve over time. Groups usually are created when a bunch of like minded people working on a similar problem decide to combine forces. Groups are also formed when these individuals share a common enemy. When the problem gets solved or the enemy goes away, these groups are usually set adrift with no real purpose. The original purpose over, they now become more like a social group. Some members leave; others join; they fracture, and very seldom do they survive the test of time. Old groups such as the Legion of Doom (LOD) went through almost three complete sets of members before they finally retired the name. It might have had something to do with their long-standing battle with a rival group, the Masters of Destruction (MOD) and run ins with the FBI. But, who really knows for sure other than the members themselves?

The ability of some of these now defunct groups is legendary in the underworld. Groups such as the LOD, The PhoneMasters, the MOD, and BELLCORE had excellent hacking skills and were capable of executing extremely sophisticated attacks. Their skills ranged from purely technical to social engineering and physical attacks. This ability to cross disciplines is what makes some groups so powerful when they set themselves to a task. BELLCORE got a back-door installed in an operating system that shipped to the public, and some of its members monitored bank transfers over the X.25 network. Through a combination of hacking and social engineering, the PhoneMasters obtained tens of thousands of phone calling cards, located and used unlisted White House phone numbers, re-routed 911 calls to a Dominos Pizza, and had access to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database. They were even able to access information on who had their phone lines tapped.

There are documented reports of U.S. organized crime tricking unknowing hackers into doing work for them. What starts out looking like a friendly competition between hackers to break into a couple of Web sites can mask the intention of one of them to do so for financial gain. The other hackers have no idea of the bigger picture, and are unwitting accomplices.

One such incident occurred in Los Angeles when unsuspecting hackers helped Mexican gangs hack gas station credit cards, which allowed the gangs to operate over a larger area with no fuel costs. The hackers thought they were doing something cool, and sharing the how-to information with other locals who were a little more enterprising, shall we say.

This is the problem with the net. You can never be too paranoid, or too careful, because nothing may be as it seems. When your sole protection to being caught depends on keeping your identity and location secret, any information you share on-line could come back to haunt you. This creates a paradox for the illegal hacking group. You want to be in a group with people you trust and who have good skills, but you don’t want anyone in the group to know anything about you. Many illegal hackers have been busted when it turns out their on-line friend is really an AFOSI or FBI informant! Hackers seem to be good at hacking, and bad at being organized criminals.

So, what if you were part of a group, and didn’t even know it? What if you made friends with someone on-line, and the two of you would work on a project together, not knowing the other person was using you to achieve their own goals that may be illegal? Now things get interesting! Motives, friendship, and trust all get blurred, and on-line identities become transient. STC shows you what can happen when talented hackers who are very motivated (for many different reasons) try to Own a Continent!

Jeff Moss
Black Hat, Inc.




Steal This File Sharing Book - What They Won't Tell You About File Sharing (2004)

A computer file can be anything from a single song to a photograph, a full-length motion picture, the complete text from a book, or a computer program that sells for thousands of dollars. Because a computer file is made up of electronic data, all it does is fill up the space on your hard drive. And large hard drives are really cheap today, which means you can fill them up with many, many files at relatively little cost. Storing this stuff is just not an issue.

Computer files can also be copied with perfect accuracy and transferred flawlessly to nearly any computer in the world. In most industries, such qualities might be admirable, but in the computer industry, those same qualities spell trouble for copyright holders. If someone can make multiple copies of a song, a book, or a computer program at no cost, what will stop people from blatantly copying everything they own and passing it around to all their friends?

The answer is simple: nothing. And that’s spelled trouble for the computer industry. Of course, people have been illegally copying music with tape recorders and CD burners for years, but cassette tapes and CDs aren’t as easy to distribute as a single file that you can email or post on a file sharing network for millions of people to copy at once.

Similarly, photocopying has threatened the copyright on books, but photocopying an entire book is usually more trouble (and more expense) than it’s worth. Plus, most people like their books bound, rather than in loose sets of not always perfectly copied pages.

The same can be said for the video cassette recorder, which spawned the copying of videos. But as with audio tapes, each copy of a video cassette loses some of its original quality. It’s also simply too troublesome for the average user to duplicate videos on a mass scale and distribute them.

But once you store something in a computer file, copying suddenly becomes easy and fast for everyone. Instead of asking, “Can it be copied?” people ask, “Where can I find it?” And the answer is usually somewhere online where people can copy and distribute files fast.



Friday, June 27, 2008


SQL Cookbook (2005)

Structure of This Book

This book is divided into 14 chapters and 2 appendices:

Chapter 1, Retrieving Records, introduces very simple queries. Examples include how to use a WHERE clause to restrict rows from your result set, providing aliases for columns in your result set, using an inline view to reference aliased columns, using simple conditional logic, limiting the number of rows returned by a query, returning random records, and finding NULL values. Most of the examples are very simple, but some of them appear in more complex recipes, so it's a good idea to read this chapter if you're relatively new to SQL or aren't familiar with any of the examples listed for this chapter.

Chapter 2, Sorting Query Results, introduces recipes for sorting query results. The ORDER BY clause is introduced and is used to sort query results. Examples increase in complexity ranging from simple, single-column ordering, to ordering by substrings, to ordering based on conditional expressions.

Chapter 3, Working with Multiple Tables, introduces recipes for combining data from multiple tables. If you are new to SQL or are a bit rusty on joins, I strongly recommend you read this chapter before reading Chapter 5 and later. Joining tables is what SQL is all about; you must understand joins to be successful. Examples in this chapter include performing both inner and outer joins, identifying Cartesian productions, basic set operations (set difference, union, intersection), and the effects of joins on aggregate functions.

Chapter 4, Inserting, Updating, Deleting, introduces recipes for inserting, updating, and deleting data, respectively. Most of the examples are very straightforward (perhaps even pedestrian). Nevertheless, operations such as inserting rows into one table from another table, the use of correlated subqueries in updates, an understanding of the effects of NULLs, and knowledge of new features such as multi-table inserts and the MERGE command are extremely useful for your toolbox.

Chapter 5, Metadata Queries, introduces recipes for getting at your database metadata. It's often very useful to find the indexes, constraints, and tables in your schema. The simple recipes here allow you to gain information about your schema. Additionally, "dynamic" SQL examples are shown here as well, i.e., SQL generated by SQL.

Chapter 6, Working with Strings, introduces recipes for manipulating strings. SQL is not known for its string parsing capabilities, but with a little creativity (usually involving Cartesian products) along with the vast array of vendor-specific functions, you can accomplish quite a bit. This chapter is where the book begins to get interesting. Some of the more interesting examples include counting the occurrences of a character in a string, creating delimited lists from table rows, converting delimited lists and strings into rows, and separating numeric and character data from a string of alphanumeric characters.

Chapter 7, Working with Numbers, introduces recipes for common number crunching. The recipes found here are extremely common and you'll learn how easily window functions solve problems involving moving calculations and aggregations. Examples include creating running totals; finding mean, median, and mode; calculating percentiles; and accounting for NULL while performing aggregations.

Chapter 8, Date Arithmetic, is the first of two chapters dealing with dates. Being able to perform simple date arithmetic is crucial to everyday tasks. Examples include determining the number of business days between two dates, calculating the difference between two dates in different units of time (day, month, year, etc.), and counting occurrences of days in a month.

Chapter 9, Date Manipulation, is the second of the two chapters dealing with dates. In this chapter you will find recipes for some of the most common date operations you will encounter in a typical work day. Examples include returning all days in a year, finding leap years, finding first and last days of a month, creating a calendar, and filling in missing dates for a range of dates.

Chapter 10, Working with Ranges, introduces recipes for identifying values in ranges, and for creating ranges of values. Examples include automatically generating a sequence of rows, filling in missing numeric values for a range of values, locating the beginning and end of a range of values, and locating consecutive values.

Chapter 11, Advanced Searching, introduces recipes that are crucial for everyday development and yet sometimes slip through the cracks. These recipes are not any more difficult than others, yet I see many developers making very inefficient attempts at solving the problems these recipes solve. Examples from this chapter include finding knight values, paginating through a result set, skipping rows from a table, finding reciprocals, selecting the top n records, and ranking results.

Chapter 12, Reporting and Warehousing, introduces queries typically used in warehousing or generating complex reports. This chapter was meant to be the majority of the book as it existed in my original vision. Examples include converting rows into columns and vice versa (cross-tab reports), creating buckets or groups of data, creating histograms, calculating simple and complete subtotals, performing aggregations over a moving window of rows, and grouping rows based on given units of time.

Chapter 13, Hierarchical Queries, introduces hierarchical recipes. Regardless of how your data is modeled, at some point you will be asked to format data such that it represents a tree or parent-child relationship. This chapter provides recipes accomplishing these tasks. Creating tree-structured result sets can be cumbersome with traditional SQL, so vendor-supplied functions are particularly useful in this chapter. Examples include expressing a parent-child relationship, traversing a hierarchy from root to leaf, and rolling up a hierarchy.

Chapter 14, Odds 'n' Ends, is a collection of miscellaneous recipes that didn't seem to fit into any other problem domain, but that nevertheless are interesting and useful. This chapter is different from the rest in that it focuses on vendor-spe-cific solutions only. This is the only chapter of the book where each recipe highlights only one vendor. The reasons are twofold: first, this chapter was meant to serve as more of a fun, geeky chapter. Second, some recipes exist only to highlight a vendor-specific function that has no equivalent in the other RDBMSs (examples include SQL Server's PIVOT/UNPIVOT operators and Oracle's MODEL clause). In some cases, though, you'll be able to easily tweak a solution provided in this chapter to work for a platform not covered in the recipe.

Appendix A, Window Function Refresher, is a window function refresher along with a solid discussion of groups in SQL. Window functions are new to most, so it is appropriate that this appendix serves as a brief tutorial. Additionally, in my experience I have noticed that the use of GROUP BY in queries is a source of confusion for many developers. This chapter defines exactly what a SQL group is, and then proceeds to use various queries as proofs to validate that definition. The chapter then goes into the effects of NULLs on groups, aggregates, and partitions. Lastly, you'll find discussion on the more obscure and yet extremely powerful syntax of the window function's OVER clause (i.e., the "framing" or "windowing" clause).

Appendix B, Rozenshtein Revisited, is a tribute to David Rozenshtein, to whom I owe my success in SQL development. Rozenshtein's book, The Essence of SQL (Coriolis Group Books) was the first book I purchased on SQL that was not required by a class. It was from that book that I learned how to "think in SQL." To this day I attribute much of my understanding of how SQL works to David's book. It truly is different from any other SQL book I've read, and I'm grateful that it was the first one I picked up on my own volition. Appendix B focuses on some of the queries presented in The Essence of SQL, and provides alternative solutions using window functions (which weren't available when The Essence of SQL was written) for those queries.



Spidering Hacks - 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools (2003)

How This Book Is Organized

There are several facets of spidering: searching for and finding the information, gleaning and gathering, repurposing and repackaging, and sharing it with peers. On the flip side, there's also ensuring that your own site's information is spider-friendly. We've divided this book into six parts:

Chapter 1

Before setting out, it behooves you to make sure you understand all the basics, philosophies, considerations, and issues. This chapter is an overview of all you should know before you build and unleash your spiders on the world.

Chapter 2

The most useful tools in your spidering toolbox are often those you didn't have to write yourself. There are modules galore, written by prominent members of the programming community and free for borrowing, repurposing, and using as a foundation for your own work. This chapter introduces you to the tools you'll need to program for the Web, spidering and scraping in the most efficient and appropriate manner possible.

Chapter 3

Hey, nobody lives by text alone. We'll show you some great resources for media files and some cool ways to go about getting them. From current comic strips to old movies from the Library of Congress, there are some wonderful finds for your media library.

Chapter 4

Collections of data are going online at an unbelievable pace. While getting just the data you want isn't as easy as just scraping some words off a web page, we'll show you how to get to just the information you're after, combine it with data from other sites, and repurpose it in just the way you need.

Chapter 5

Oh, the Web is always a-changin'. We'll show you how to keep your data current, mirror collections to your local hard drive, and schedule your spiders to run on a regular basis.

Chapter 6

Maybe you're just as interested in being spidered as spidering. Perhaps you have a collection others might find useful. We'll show you how to share your own data in ways that make it easier for those downstream to spider you—avoiding many of the headaches we discuss in this book!




Special Edition Using WordPerfect Office X3 (2006)

How This Book Is Organized

Special Edition Using WordPerfect Office X3 is designed for users who have some experience using a word processor and want to learn how to get the most out of WordPerfect's broad range of features. The book is divided into sections to help you focus on the areas that you are particularly interested in. The first section is a good place to start because some fundamental concepts are covered, but beyond that, you are free to jump around and read about what interests you.

Part I: Learning the Basics of WordPerfect
Chapters 1 through 6 cover the fundamentals of using WordPerfect to create, edit, save, and print documents. A short basic formatting chapter covers the features that you need to use right away, such as changing fonts; applying bold, italic, and underline; and adjusting the margins. The file management chapter is in this first section because managing files is such an integral part of what you do every day. After all, what good is all your hard work if you can't find a file when you need it? In the other chapters, you learn how to use the writing tools and how to print, fax, and e-mail your documents. If you're tempted to skip this part because you've already used a word processor, don't. It's loaded with tips and practical advice on how to use the basic features to be more productive.

Part II: Formatting Documents
Chapters 7, 8, and 9 focus on formatting documents. Chapter 7 sticks to formatting lines and paragraphs, so you learn how to align and indent text, set tabs, keep text together, and add line numbers and borders. Chapter 8 tackles formatting page elements: page numbers, paper size, headers and footers, subdividing the page, columns, borders, and Make It Fit. Chapter 9 explains how to create and implement styles for consistency and speedier formatting. Bet you didn't know that if you modify a style, the text that is formatted with that style is automatically updated, every bit, all at once.

Part III: Organizing Information
Chapters 10 and 11 cover organizing information into tables, lists, and outlines. You'll learn everything you need to know about creating and formatting tables, and you'll discover why WordPerfect is the champion when it comes to tables. Bulleted and numbered lists are used in all types of documents to present (sequential and nonsequential) pieces of information in an easy-to-read list. Obviously, the Outline feature can be used to create outlines that show the structure of a document or an idea. The outline styles can also be used to create numbered sections of text where the numbers are automatically updated as you rearrange the text.

Part IV: Working with Graphics
In this section, Chapter 12 teaches you how to incorporate graphics images and effects in your documents. You'll learn how to insert clip art and other types of images, such as those that you take with your digital camera.

In previous editions of this book, we covered graphics quite extensively in other chapters of this section. However, many of the features relating to graphics are really features of the drawing tools found in Presentations. For the next steps in working with graphics, you'll want to look at the online chapter, "Customizing Graphic Shapes and Images," and Chapter 32, "Working with Graphic and Multimedia Elements in Presentations." These chapters show you how to manipulate graphic images relative to your text and to each other, how to edit clip art, and how to create your own images. You'll also learn about creating specialty text, such as watermarks or 3-D text called TextArt.

Part V: Integrating Information from Other Sources
Chapter 13 shows you how to use information other than graphics from other applications. You'll learn how to use the Windows Clipboard and WordPerfect's Clipbook to copy information between applications. We'll show you how to use OLE to create links from information in your document directly to the program that originated it so you can update information that gets changed easily and automatically. You'll also learn how to import data from spreadsheets and databases. In addition, you'll also want to look at Chapter 33, "Working with Data and Organization Charts in Presentations."
Part VI: Publishing Documents
Chapter 14 covers the document collaboration features, such as document comments, reviewing and comparing documents, adding a digital signature to validate a document, and routing documents. Chapter 15 talks about the features geared toward long documents, such as bookmarks, footnotes, endnotes, cross references, and the Master Document feature. Chapter 16 covers the creation of tables of contents, tables of authorities, indexes, and lists. The Document Map feature is covered here because it uses these reference markers to help you navigate through long documents. Chapter 17 presents information on creating interactive and multimedia documents with hypertext links, links to Web pages, and embedded video and sounds.

You'll also want to look at two online chapters. "Publishing Documents on the World Wide Web" covers WordPerfect's Web publishing features and is packed with practical advice on how to publish your documents on the Internet or your company intranet. "Working with XML Documents" helps you understand XML and how to use it in a shared environment.

Part VII: Automating Everyday Tasks
This last WordPerfect section discusses ways that you can use automation tools to speed up repetitive tasks. Chapter 18 covers templates, from using the project templates that come with WordPerfect to creating your own templates (both from existing documents and from scratch). You'll learn how to insert prompts that guide the user through the template and how to link fields in a template to address book fields. Chapter 19 covers the Merge feature. A complete set of steps for a typical mail merge is given, but the focus is on using other sources for names and addresses and creating documents other than form letters during a merge. Chapter 20 covers using the WordPerfect and Microsoft Outlook address books with some excellent tips on importing and exporting data. Chapter 21 shows you how to use the PerfectExpert panel to create and edit documents without searching through the menus for an elusive command. The bulk of this chapter focuses on macrosrunning macros that others have developed (including the shipping macros), and creating your own macros with the Macro Recorder. The steps to assign macros to toolbars, keystrokes, and menus are included, as well as information about using macros from previous versions and whether or not you need to install VBA support.

Part VIII: Learning the Essentials of Quattro Pro
New to this edition is the section covering Corel's spreadsheet program, Quattro Pro. Chapters 22, 23, 24, and 25 get you started with an orientation to Quattro Pro and spreadsheet concepts, working with spreadsheet data, how to format Quattro Pro notebooks, and how to use formulas and functions to get the right results. Chapter 26 focuses on how you work with Quattro Pro data, including sorting, filtering, and consolidating. Chapter 27 introduces tools for analyzing data, such as the Optimizer and the What-If features. Chapter 28 explores using data charts to represent Quattro Pro data. Chapter 29 takes a look at some of Quattro Pro's advanced features, such as macros, expert templates, and Web publishing.

Part IX: Creating Presentations
New also to this edition is this section covering Corel's Presentations program. Presentations is also the engine behind WordPerfect Graphics X3, so much of what you learn here applies also to working with WordPerfect graphics. The focus in this section is on Presentations as a slide presentation tool. Chapters 30 and 31 introduce you to Presentations and show you how to create a basic slideshow. Chapter 32 is an essential chapter if you want to learn more about creating or editing graphic images, or if you want to use multimedia elements in a slideshow. Chapter 33 covers data and organization charts, two features that can be quite useful also in WordPerfect. In Chapters 34 and 35, you learn how to modify Presentations backgrounds, colors, and designs; how to create templates; and how to prepare a slideshow for presenting it. Chapter 36 discusses publishing Presentations slideshows to the Web or to PDF.




Special Edition Using Microsoft Windows XP Professional, 3rd Edition (2004)

How Book Is Organized

Although this book advances logically from beginning to end, it's written so that you can jump in at any location, quickly get the information you need, and get out. You don't have to read it from start to finish, nor do you need to work through complex tutorials.

This book is broken down into six major parts. Here's the skinny on each one:

Part I, "Introducing Windows XP Professional," introduces Windows XP and explains its features, new screen elements (GUI), and the design and architecture behind Windows XP. It then explains how to ready your hardware and software for installation of XP and describes the installation process itself.

Part II, "Getting Your Work Done," is, well, about getting your work done. Perhaps the bulk of readers will want to study and keep on hand this part as a reference guide. Here, we cover using the interface, running programs, organizing documents, sharing data between applications, and printing and faxing documents. We also cover how to best work with the increasingly popular plethora of digital imaging tools and formats encountered with digital photography and nonlinear video editing in your PC.

Part III, "Windows XP and the Internet," introduces you to Windows XP networking, Internet style. We start with Internet connection options and then move on to the supplied Internet tools. We provide in-depth coverage of Outlook Express for mail and newsgroups, Internet Explorer for Web surfing, Windows Messenger for audio and videoconferencing, and the new security features that these programs gained in Service Pack 2. The final two chapters show you how to set up your own Web server, and how to diagnose Internet connection problems with utilities such as ping and ipconfig.

Part IV, "Networking," deals with networking on the LAN. Here, we explain the fundamentals of networking and, in case you don't have a corporate networking department to do this for you, we walk you through planning and installing a functional LAN in your home or office. We cover the use of a Windows XP network; give you a chapter on dial-up, remote, and portable networking; show how to internetwork with Unix and other operating systems; and finish up with crucial security tips and troubleshooting advice that the Windows Help files don't cover. This section also covers the updated Windows Firewall, Windows XP's Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance features, and shows you how to set up a secure, shared Internet connection for your LAN.

Part V, "System Configuration and Customization," covers system configuration and maintenance. We tell you how to work with Control Panel applets, provide tips and tricks for customizing the graphical user interface to maximize efficiency, manage your system fonts, and describe a variety of ways to upgrade your hardware and system software (including third-party programs) for maximum performance.

Part VI, "System Configuration and Maintenance," dives even deeper into system administration and configuration, with coverage of supplied system administration tools such as the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and its plug-ins. We also provide techniques for managing multiple users; means for managing the hard disk, including multiple file system formats such as FAT32 and NTFS; and details on setting up multiboot machines with Windows 9x, DOS, Linux, and Windows 2000. We cap off this part with coverage of the Windows Registry and a chapter on troubleshooting and repairing problems with your Windows XP installation.

Appendix A covers installation of Service Pack 2, and Appendix B describes the changes that SP2 brings, with cross references to coverage of its new features throughout the book.




Security In Computing, 4th Edition (2006)

In the 1950s and 1960s, the prominent conference gathering places for practitioners and users of computer technology were the twice yearly Joint Computer Conferences (JCCs)initially called the Eastern and Western JCCs, but later renamed the Spring and Fall JCCs and even later, the annual National (AFIPS) Computer Conference. From this milieu, the topic of computer securitylater to be called information system security and currently also referred to as "protection of the national information infrastructure"moved from the world of classified defense interests into public view.

A few peopleRobert L. Patrick, John P. Haverty, and I among othersall then at the RAND Corporationhad been talking about the growing dependence of the country and its institutions on computer technology. It concerned us that the installed systems might not be able to protect themselves and their data against intrusive and destructive attacks. We decided that it was time to bring the security aspect of computer systems to the attention of the technology and user communities.

The enabling event was the development within the National Security Agency (NSA) of a remote-access time-sharing system with a full set of security access controls, running on a Univac 494 machine, and serving terminals and users not only within the headquarters building at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, but also worldwide. Fortuitously, I knew details of the system.

Persuading two others from RAND to helpDr. Harold Peterson and Dr. Rein Turnplus Bernard Peters of NSA, I organized a group of papers and presented it to the SJCC conference management as a ready-made additional paper session to be chaired by me. [1] The conference accepted the offer, and the session was presented at the Atlantic City (NJ) Convention Hall in 1967.

Soon thereafter and driven by a request from a defense contractor to include both defense classified and business applications concurrently in a single mainframe machine functioning in a remote-access mode, the Department of Defense, acting through the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) and later the Defense Science Board (DSB), organized a committee, which I chaired, to study the issue of security controls for computer systems. The intent was to produce a document that could be the basis for formulating a DoD policy position on the matter.

The report of the committee was initially published as a classified document and was formally presented to the sponsor (the DSB) in January 1970. It was later declassified and republished (by the RAND Corporation) in October 1979. [2] It was widely circulated and became nicknamed "the Ware report." The report and a historical introduction are available on the RAND web site. [3]

Subsequently, the United States Air Force (USAF) sponsored another committee chaired by James P. Anderson. [4] Its report, published in 1972, recommended a 6-year R&D security program totaling some $8M. [5] The USAF responded and funded several projects, three of which were to design and implement an operating system with security controls for a specific computer.

Eventually these activities led to the "Criteria and Evaluation" program sponsored by the NSA. It culminated in the "Orange Book" [6] in 1983 and subsequently its supporting array of documents, which were nicknamed "the rainbow series." [7] Later, in the 1980s and on into the 1990s, the subject became an international one leading to the ISO standard known as the "Common Criteria." [8]

It is important to understand the context in which system security was studied in the early decades. The defense establishment had a long history of protecting classified information in document form. It had evolved a very elaborate scheme for compartmenting material into groups, sub-groups and super-groups, each requiring a specific personnel clearance and need-to-know as the basis for access. [9] It also had a centuries-long legacy of encryption technology and experience for protecting classified information in transit. Finally, it understood the personnel problem and the need to establish the trustworthiness of its people. And it certainly understood the physical security matter.

Thus, "the" computer security issue, as it was understood in the 1960s and even later, was how to create in a computer system a group of access controls that would implement or emulate the processes of the prior paper world, plus the associated issues of protecting such software against unauthorized change, subversion, and illicit use, and of embedding the entire system in a secure physical environment with appropriate management oversights and operational doctrine and procedures. The poorly understood aspect of security was primarily the software issue with, however, a collateral hardware aspect; namely, the risk that it might malfunctionor be penetratedand subvert the proper behavior of software. For the related aspects of communications, personnel, and physical security, there was a plethora of rules, regulations, doctrine, and experience to cover them. It was largely a matter of merging all of it with the hardware/software aspects to yield an overall secure system and operating environment.

However, the world has now changed in essential ways. The desktop computer and workstation have appeared and proliferated widely. The Internet is flourishing and the reality of a World Wide Web is in place. Networking has exploded and communication among computer systems is the rule, not the exception. Many commercial transactions are now web-based; many commercial communitiesthe financial one in particularhave moved into a web posture. The "user" of any computer system can literally be anyone in the world. Networking among computer systems is ubiquitous; informationsystem outreach is the goal.

The net effect of all of this has been to expose the computer-based information systemits hardware, its software, its software processes, its databases, its communicationsto an environment over which no onenot end-user, not network administrator or system owner, not even governmenthas control. What must be done is to provide appropriate technical, procedural, operational, and environmental safeguards against threats as they might appear or be imagined, embedded in a societally acceptable legal framework.

And appear threats didfrom individuals and organizations, national and international. The motivations to penetrate systems for evil purpose or to create malicious softwaregenerally with an offensive or damaging consequencevary from personal intellectual satisfaction to espionage, to financial reward, to revenge, to civil disobedience, and to other reasons. Information-system security has moved from a largely self-contained bounded environment interacting with a generally known and disciplined user community to one of worldwide scope with a body of users that may not be known and are not necessarily trusted. Importantly, security controls now must deal with circumstances over which there is largely no control or expectation of avoiding their impact. Computer security, as it has evolved, shares a similarity with liability insurance; they each face a threat environment that is known in a very general way and can generate attacks over a broad spectrum of possibilities; but the exact details or even time or certainty of an attack is unknown until an event has occurred.

On the other hand, the modern world thrives on information and its flows; the contemporary world, society, and institutions cannot function without their computer-communication-based information systems. Hence, these systems must be protected in all dimensionstechnical, procedural, operational, environmental. The system owner and its staff have become responsible for protecting the organization's information assets.

Progress has been slow, in large part because the threat has not been perceived as real or as damaging enough; but also in part because the perceived cost of comprehensive information system security is seen as too high compared to the risksespecially the financial consequencesof not doing it. Managements, whose support with appropriate funding is essential, have been slow to be convinced.

This book addresses the broad sweep of issues above: the nature of the threat and system vulnerabilities (Chapter 1); cryptography (Chapters 2 and 12); the Common Criteria (Chapter 5); the World Wide Web and Internet (Chapter 7); managing risk (Chapter 8); software vulnerabilities (Chapter 3); and legal, ethical, and privacy issues (Chapters 10 and 11). The book also describes security controls that are currently available such as encryption protocols, software development practices, firewalls, and intrusion-detection systems. Overall, this book provides a broad and sound foundation for the information-system specialist who is charged with planning and/or organizing and/or managing and/or implementing a comprehensive information-system security program.

Yet to be solved are many technical aspects of information securityR&D for hardware, software, systems, and architecture; and the corresponding products. Notwithstanding, technology per se is not the long pole in the tent of progress. Organizational and management motivation and commitment to get the security job done is. Today, the collective information infrastructure of the country and of the world is slowly moving up the learning curve; every mischievous or malicious event helps to push it along. The terrorism-based events of recent times are helping to drive it. Is it far enough up the curve to have reached an appropriate balance between system safety and threat? Almost certainly, the answer is, "No, not yet; there is a long way to go." [10]

Willis H. Ware
The RAND Corporation
Santa Monica, California



Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Inside The SPAM Cartel - Trade Secrets From The Dark Side (2004)

Since the explosion of Internet users during the late 1990’s, the unending spam scourge has shown no sign of abating. Statistics from large anti-spam companies that monitor millions of e-mails per hour show that the rates are actually still going up, and depending who you listen to, they are now rising between 50 and 70 percent. The new federal anti-spam (CAN-SPAM) law has already been dubbed the ‘Can’t Fight Spam Act.’ And it’s no wonder; the Net was not built with e-mail security and verification in mind, and ways to bypass and trick the system are plentiful. I heard someone explain it like this: “In trying to get rid of spam, we’re playing a game of chess, and the bad guys have white.” It is a constant game of technological leapfrog, and once a new anti-spam technology has been developed, the spammers do their best to break it, attack it or get around it. Even the brand new Sender ID initiative discussed in this book has proved to be ineffective. In fact, the spammers are adopting it even before the market at large.

As you start reading, the author throws a curve, leading you to believe you are dealing with a simple teenage script kiddie. But you’ll soon discover that the author is a very intelligent, technically sophisticated and resourceful young man. The data in this book is revealing. It shows the various ways that spammers get their messages across, and goes into great technical detail on how they do it. Most surprisingly, there is an underground cooperation between hackers and spammers, who have a common, nefarious goal to steal the email databases of companies and exploit these lists. This is a detailed handbook on how to spam, and get around the many barriers that have been thrown up by the anti-spam community. You could say that this is a bad thing, as now everyone will be able to do it. But this is not the time or place to throw coals on the raging fire of the “disclosure discussion” of network vulnerabilities.

This book is a must for any system and/or network administrator who runs mail servers, or anyone who must ensure their organization is as safe as possible against the many dangers lurking behind their firewall. Spam is a many-headed dragon. In its most innocuous form it affects productivity negatively by being a distraction and a nuisance, but it can be used as a vector for many more destructive purposes like drive-by installs of trojans, key loggers, viruses, and spyware.

A good defense against spam starts with knowing the enemy. This book reveals how your enemy thinks, how he operates, how he gets paid, the advanced state of dedicated automation he utilizes and what holes in the Net are being exploited. Having a resource like this is equal to catching the decryption code book of the opposition. Have fun in keeping the bad guys out!

— Stu Sjouwerman
Founder of Sunbelt Software
Publisher of W2Knews




Intermediate Perl (2006)

Perl's object-oriented (OO) mechanism is classic prestidigitation. It takes a collection of Perl's existing non-OO features, such as packages, references, hashes, arrays, subroutines, and modules, and thenwith nothing up its sleevemanages to conjure up fully functional objects, classes, and methods, seemingly out of nowhere.

That's a great trick. It means you can build on your existing Perl knowledge and ease your way into OO Perl development, without first needing to conquer a mountain of new syntax or navigate an ocean of new techniques. It also means you can progressively fine-tune OO Perl to meet your own needs, by selecting from the existing constructs the one that best suits your task.

But there's a problem. Since Perl co-opts packages, references, hashes, arrays, subroutines, and modules as the basis for its OO mechanism, to use OO Perl you already need to understand packages, references, hashes, arrays, subroutines, and modules.

And there's the rub. The learning curve hasn't been eliminated; it's merely been pushed back half a dozen steps.

So then, how are you going to learn everything you need to know about non-OO Perl so you can start to learn everything you need to know about OO Perl?

This book is the answer. In the following pages, Randal draws on two decades of using Perl, and four decades of watching Gilligan's Island and Mr. Ed, to explain each of the components of Perl that collectively underpin its OO features. And, better still, he then goes on to show exactly how to combine those components to create useful classes and objects.

So if you still feel like Gilligan when it comes to Perl's objects, references, and modules, this book is just what the Professor ordered.

And that's straight from the horse's mouth.




Internet Denial Of Service - Attack And Defense Mechanisms (2004)

Society is getting to be more and more dependent on the reliability of the Internet. Businesses are relying on the Internet as their link to their customers. Customers are being encouraged to do most of their business in the Internet.

It is not enough to protect your communication from eavesdroppers, or to protect your own system from being infected with viruses. Traditionally, the security community has focused its attention on unauthorized disclosure or modification of information, and perhaps theft of services. Denial of service was largely ignored as being unlikely to occur because the attacker would not gain anything from such an attack.

Clearly this is not the case today. Denial of service can be a devastating attack. It can put merchants out of business and can cause major and very visible disruption to our world. It can be (and is) used against specific companies for which the attacker has a grudge or has been paid to attack; or it can be used by terrorists to cause major disruption to critical infrastructure.

As widely publicized denial-of-service attacks occur, the subject is finally getting needed attention. Not so long ago, it was assumed that the amount of damage any attacker could do was limited by the speed of that attacker's Internet connection. If that were true, it wouldn't be too hard to find the attacker's machine, filter out its packets, disconnect it from the Internet, and prosecute the machine's owner (presumably the attacker). Unfortunately, attacks grew more sophisticated. Instead of attacking directly from the attacker's own machine, an attacker breaks into a lot of machines, and causes them to attack. The attacks are now coming from many machines owned by innocent, if careless, owners.

Why is it so easy to break into machines? Unfortunately, there is little incentive for vendors to provide secure software, and little incentive for owners of machines to keep up with patches and turn security on in their machine. Vendors are in business to make money. Time to market, fancy features (which are likely to introduce vulnerabilities), and price are more important differentiators than security. A vendor that provides a low-frills product that goes to market later due to stringent testing will lose in the marketplace. If manufacturers were routinely sued for security bugs in their products, perhaps security would feature more prominently in the economic equation.

It is tempting to blame the users. Why don't they install patches promptly? Why don't they turn off dangerous features such as cookies? However, it is completely unfair to blame the users. Users are getting less and less sophisticated. When computers were used primarily by university computer science students, it was reasonable to make them arcanely difficult to manage. Today just about everyone is using computers, and is expected to manage their own systems. And when there are features that can be exploited by attackers (such as ActiveX), users can't simply turn these features off, because many Web sites wind up using these features. Not because they need to, but because the features are there. If users say no to anything, they get strange error messages and all sorts of things stop working.

Fighting denial of service is going to be a constant spy vs. spy game. The good guys (the defenders) will try to defend against all the known attacks, and the bad guys (the attackers) will try to disguise their attacks to stay under the radar. It is good that the good guys have been awakened to the need to be ever vigilant, and to get ahead of the game through research.

This book is timely and written by an ideal author team. It is crucial to understand the world as currently deployed, and it is also crucial to look to the future. This author team provides expertise along the whole range. David Dittrich, of the University of Washington's Information School and the Center for Information Assurance and Cybersecurity, is one of the foremost frontline DDoS fighters today, and indeed, an "I'm feeling lucky" Google search for DDoS brings up the DDoS page that he maintains.

Jelena Mirkovic did her Ph.D. work at UCLA, with advisor Peter Reiher, on innovative approaches to DDoS defense. Their work produced the first source-end DDoS defense system, which helps network administrators ensure that poorly secured machines in their network cannot be misused to attack others. They also worked on developing taxonomies of DDoS attacks and defenses, and defining methods for measuring the success of defenses. Jelena continues her fight against DDoS as an assistant professor at the University of Delaware.

Sven Dietrich is a researcher at the CERT Coordination Center. He is part of the research group that investigates the survivability of networked systems. The CERT Coordination Center is the first organization of its kind, and has helped to start similar organizations around the world. It is likely to be the first place to hear about attacks, and to marshal the resources necessary to provide defenses. Sven also works closely with Carnegie Mellon CyLab—a cybersecurity research and education center. Following their meeting at the CERT DSIT Workshop, Sven teamed up with David Dittrich and others in producing analyses of several early DDoS tools.



Saturday, June 21, 2008


Insider Power Techniques For Microsoft Windows XP (2003)

The great artist Pablo Picasso once said that “the more technique you have, the less you have to worry about it.” What does this have to do with Microsoft Windows XP? Well, to paraphrase Picasso, the more Windows XP techniques you have, the less you have to worry about Windows XP itself. The way we see it, what a person creates using a computer is a unique expression of who that person is, whether it’s a memo, letter, financial model, presentation, e-mail message, or Web page.

On the other hand, how the average person uses the computer—or, more to the point, how that person uses Windows XP—probably isn’t unique at all. It’s likely that most users follow the same Start menu paths to launch programs, use standard techniques in programs such as Microsoft Outlook Express and Windows Explorer, and perform customizations that don’t go much beyond changing the wallpaper.

Our goal in this book is to show you that changing the “how” improves the “what.” By altering your usual way of doing things in Windows XP—that is, by learning a few “insider” techniques—you can become a faster and more efficient user with an optimized and relatively trouble-free system. What you’ll find then is that Windows XP fades into the background, and you’ll be able to devote all your precious time and energy into getting your work (or play) done.

What kinds of techniques are we talking about? Here’s a sampling:

Tweaking Windows XP for maximum performance.

Automating Windows XP with script files.

Working faster and smarter with a few simple Start menu and taskbar customizations.

Boosting productivity with easy file and folder techniques.

Getting the most out of online sessions by using the most powerful features of Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Preventing Windows crashes with a simple maintenance plan.

Taking the pain out of troubleshooting Windows XP problems.

Working with the registry safely and easily.

Taking the mystery out of setting up and administering a small network



Internet Phone Services Simplified (2006)

You have most likely heard about Internet telephony or voice over IP (also known as VoIP) by now (the terms are fairly interchangeable). It's free, it's great, it's everything the advertisements say it is, and it is applicable to everyone. Or is it?

This books examines Internet phone services in more detail, giving you what we hope is a clear picture of what they are and what they are not. You have many things to consider before subscribing to an Internet telephony service. This book walks you through all the considerations and separates the truth from the hype.

In addition to providing you with the information you need to determine whether VoIP is right for you, this book gives you a step-by-step walk-through of how to install it and integrate it with your existing home network and telephones. We also look into some more advanced Internet telephony options that are growing in popularity.


Friday, June 20, 2008



This book’s primary goal is to help you prepare to take and pass Microsoft’s exam number 70-291: Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure. Our secondary purpose in writing this book is to provide exam candidates with knowledge and skills that go beyond the minimum requirements for passing the exam, and help to prepare them to work in the real world of Microsoft computer networking.

What is Exam 70-291?

Exam 70-291 is one of the two core networking systems requirements (along with exam 70-290) for the Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA) and one of the four core requirements for the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) certifications. Microsoft’s stated target audience consists of IT professionals with at least six months to one year of work experience on a medium or large company network. This means a multi-site network with at least three domain controllers, running typical network services such as file and print services, database, firewall services, proxy services, remote access services and Internet connectivity, as well as messaging, intranet and client computer management.

However, not everyone who takes Exam 70-291 will have this ideal background. Many people will take this exam after classroom instruction or self-study as an entry into the networking field. Many of those who do have job experience in IT will not have had the opportunity to work with all of the technologies covered by the exam. In this book, our goal is to provide background information that will help you to understand the concepts and procedures described even if you don’t have the requisite experience, while keeping our focus on the exam objectives.

Exam 70-291 covers the basics of managing and maintaining a network environment that is built around Microsoft’s Windows Server 2003. Objectives are task-oriented, and include the following: I

■ Implementing, Managing and Maintaining IP Addressing: This includes
configuring TCP/IP on a server, managing DHCP (clients and server, including the relay agent, DHCP database, scope options and reservations), troubleshooting
TCP/IP addressing (manual addressing, DHCP addressing and APIPA), and troubleshooting DHCP (including authorization issues, server configuration, and use of log files).

■ Implementing, Managing and Maintaining Name Resolution: This focuses on DNS and includes the installation and configuration of the DNS server (including server options, zone options and DNS forwarding), DNS management (zone settings, record settings and server options) and monitoring of DNS with System Monitor, Event Viewer, Replication Monitor and DNS debug logs.

■ Implementing, Managing and Maintaining Network Security: This includes the implementation of security templates and applying the principle of least privilege, monitoring protocol security using the IPSec Monitor and Kerberos tools, and troubleshoot IPSec, using Event Viewer and Network Monitor.

■ Implementing, Managing and Maintaining Routing and Remote Access:
This includes configuration of RRAS user authentication (including authentication protocols, IAS, and remote access policies), management of remote access (including packet filters, RRAS routing, devices, ports, routing protocols, and RRAS clients), management of TCP/IP routing, implementation of secure access between networks, troubleshooting user access to remote access services, and troubleshooting RRAS routing.

■ Maintaining a Network Infrastructure: This includes monitoring network traffic with Network Monitor and System Monitor, troubleshooting Internet connectivity, and troubleshooting server services, including issues related to service dependency and use of service recovery options.




CADTutor AutoCAD Tutorials 17Feb2008

Author’s Notes

Over the past 5 years, CADTutor has grown amazingly and what started as a small tutorial site with a few visitors per day is now a well-known AutoCAD resource with comfortably over 100,000 unique visitors every month. When CADTutor v3.0 was published five and a half years ago, I wouldn't have believed things could change so positively. CADTutor v4.0 brings the prospect of a whole range of new opportunities for the next 5 years. It's taken 18 months of work (off-and-on) but the site has now been transformed from an "old-school", static html site into a modern, standards compliant, dynamic site using PHP and MySQL.

As you can see from the image of the version 3 website on the right, the site has retained its established identity and its mascot, the enigmatic trout (still without a name!) but I hope the new design improves both usability and accessibility in addition to just making the place a better experience for visitors. If you have any comments about the site, I'd love to hear from you, especially if you have suggestions or feedback (good or bad).




MCSE 70-299 (Sybex) - Windows Server 2003 Network Security Administration

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The Microsoft Certified Systems Associate (MCSA) and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) tracks for Windows Server 2003 are the premier certification for computer industry professionals. Covering the core technologies around which Microsoft’s future will be built, the MCSE program is a powerful credential for career advancement.

This book has been developed to give you the critical skills and knowledge that you need to prepare for one of the elective requirements of the MCSE certification program: Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network (Exam 70-299).

As security becomes more and more important in today’s network infrastructure, your abilities to design and implement security using Microsoft’s operating systems grow in importance as well. In the future, it may very well be that significant career advancement will be tethered to how well you understand security issues.

The Microsoft Certified Professional Program

Since the inception of its certification program, Microsoft has certified almost 1.5 million people. As the computer network industry grows in both size and complexity, this number is sure to grow—and the need for proven ability will also increase. Companies rely on certifications to verify the skills of prospective employees and contractors.

Microsoft has developed its Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) program to give you credentials that verify your ability to work with Microsoft products effectively and professionally. Obtaining your MCP certification requires that you pass any one Microsoft certification exam. Several levels of certification are available based on specific suites of exams. Depending on your areas of interest or experience, you can obtain any of the following MCP credentials:

Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST) Microsoft’s newest certification track, MCDST, is aimed at an entry-level audience looking to start their IT career by troubleshooting and maintaining client desktops. Students need to take two exams to obtain this certification.

Microsoft Certified System Administrator (MCSA) on Windows Server 2003 The MCSA certification targets system and network administrators with roughly 6 to 12 months of desktop and network administration experience. You must take and pass a total of four exams to obtain your MCSA: three core exams and one elective exam.

Professional, Windows 2000 Server, and Windows Server 2003. You must take and pass seven exams to obtain your MCSE: five core exams, one design exam, and one elective exam. If you are already certified as an MCSE on Windows 2000 and want to earn the MCSE on Windows Server 2003, you should refer to the Microsoft website ( for upgrade exam information.

Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) The MCAD certification track is designed for application developers and technical consultants who primarily use Microsoft development tools. Currently, you can take exams on Visual Basic .NET or Visual C# .NET. You must take and pass three exams to obtain your MCAD: two core exams and one elective exam.

Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) for Microsoft .NET The MCSD certification track is designed for software engineers and developers and technical consultants who primarily use Microsoft development tools. Currently, you can take exams on Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# NET. You must take and pass five exams to obtain your MCSD: four core exams and one elective exam.

Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) on SQL Server 2000 The MCDBA certification track is designed for database administrators, developers, and analysts who work with Microsoft SQL Server. As of this printing, you can take exams on either SQL Server 7 or SQL Server 2000, and on either Windows 2000 Server or Windows Server 2003. You must take and pass four exams to achieve MCDBA status: three core exams and one elective exam.

Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) The MCT certification track is designed for any IT professional who develops and teaches Microsoft-approved courses. To become an MCT, you must first obtain your MCSE, MCSD, or MCDBA. Then you must take a class at one of the Certified Technical Training Centers. You will also be required to prove your instructional ability. You can do this in various ways: by taking a skills-building or train-the-trainer class, by achieving certification as a trainer from any of several vendors, or by becoming a Certified Technical Trainer through CompTIA. Last of all, you need to complete an MCT application.
How Do You Become an MCSA or MCSE on Windows Server 2003?

Attaining any MCP certification has always been a challenge. In the past, students have been able to acquire detailed exam information—even most of the exam questions—from online “brain dumps” and third-party “cram” books or software products. For the new Microsoft exams, this is simply not the case.

Microsoft has taken strong steps to protect the security and integrity of the MCSA and MCSE tracks. Now, prospective students must complete a course of study that develops detailed knowledge about a wide range of topics. It supplies them with the true skills needed, derived from working with Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and related software products.


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