One noticeable change in recent editions is that we've deemphasized the use of applets, reflecting their somewhat static role over the past couple of years in creating interactive web pages. In contrast, we've greatly expanded our coverage of server-side web applications and XML, which are now mature technologies.
We cover all of the important features of the latest release of Java, officially called Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0, JDK 1.5. Sun has changed the naming scheme many times over the years and this is the most confusing release ever! Sun coined the term "Java 2" to cover the major new features introduced in Java Version 1.2 and dropped the term JDK in favor of SDK. With this release Sun has skipped from Java Version 1.4 to the Java 5.0, but reprieved the term JDK and kept its numbering convention there. We've had no choice but to accept the term Java 5.0 into our vocabulary. You can't fight marketing.
This release of Java is targeted at developers and has the biggest set of language changes since Java's birth. We've tried to capture these new features and update every example in this book to reflect not only the current Java practice, but style.
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