Saturday, June 21, 2008

Internet Phone Services Simplified (2006)

You have most likely heard about Internet telephony or voice over IP (also known as VoIP) by now (the terms are fairly interchangeable). It's free, it's great, it's everything the advertisements say it is, and it is applicable to everyone. Or is it?

This books examines Internet phone services in more detail, giving you what we hope is a clear picture of what they are and what they are not. You have many things to consider before subscribing to an Internet telephony service. This book walks you through all the considerations and separates the truth from the hype.

In addition to providing you with the information you need to determine whether VoIP is right for you, this book gives you a step-by-step walk-through of how to install it and integrate it with your existing home network and telephones. We also look into some more advanced Internet telephony options that are growing in popularity.



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