Saturday, August 16, 2008

Microsoft IIS 6.0: Administrator's Pocket Consultant

Who Is This Book For?

Microsoft IIS 6.0 Administrator’s Pocket Consultant covers IIS, Indexing Service, FTP, SMTP, POP3 Service, and Web Service Extensions, including ASP, ASP.NET, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, and Windows .NET Framework. The book is designed for:

Current Microsoft Web administrators

Intranet / extranet administrators

Administrators migrating to Microsoft Web-based solutions

Programmers, engineers, and QA personnel who manage internal or test servers running any of these services

To pack in as much information as possible, I had to assume that you already have basic networking skills and a basic understanding of Web servers and that both IIS and Indexing Services are successfully installed on your systems. With this in mind, I don’t devote entire chapters to understanding the Web services, using name services, building Web sites, or installing IIS. I do, however, cover configuration, enterprise-wide server management, performance tuning, optimization, automation, and much more.

I also assume that you’re fairly familiar with the standard Windows user interface and that if you plan to use the scripting techniques outlined in the book, you know scripting. If you need help learning Windows or scripting, you should read other resources




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