Sunday, August 24, 2008


Organization of This Book

This book is divided into nine chapters and five appendixes. Here is a brief summary of each chapter's focus:

Chapter 1, Introducing SELinux, explains why SELinux is valuable and which common security flaws it addresses, including the concept of the 0-day vulnerability.

Chapter 2, Overview of the SELinux Security Model, explains such basic concepts as roles, domains, and transitions. It prepares the reader for SELinux installation.

Chapter 3, Installing and Initially Configuring SELinux, lays out the current state of SELinux support in several GNU/Linux distributions and provides guidance for installation.

Chapter 4, Using and Administering SELinux, is a basic SELinux system guide for system administrators, covering such techniques as user administration.

Chapter 5, SELinux Policy and Policy Language Overview, prepares the reader to write or revise policies, which is necessary when new software is installed on an SELinux system or when policies need to be adjusted to current system use. This chapter discusses the build process, the layout of policy-related files, and general issues such as macros.

Chapter 6, Role-Based Access Control, introduces the syntax of policy files and describes the directives that relate to user roles.

Chapter 7, Type Enforcement, discusses the next major aspect of SELinux policies, type-enforcement files.

Chapter 8, Ancillary Policy Statements, finishes the explanation of policy statements with a description of constraints and other miscellaneous directives.

Chapter 9, Customizing SELinux Policies, pulls together all the material from the book, provides concrete examples of how to adjust SELinux systems to users' needs, and introduces tools that help monitor the system and view policies.



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