Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Art Of Assembly Language (2003)


This book has literally taken over a decade to create. It started out as "How to Program the IBM PC, Using 8088 Assembly Language" way back in 1989. I originally wrote this book for the students in my assembly language course at Cal Poly Pomona and UC Riverside. Over the years, hundreds of students have made small and large contributions (it's amazing how a little extra credit can motivate some students). I've also received thousands of comments via the Internet after placing an early, 16-bit edition of this book on my website at UC Riverside. I owe everyone who has contributed to this effort my gratitude.

I would also like to specifically thank Mary Phillips, who spent several months helping me proofread much of the 16-bit edition upon which I've based this book. Mary is a wonderful person and a great friend.

I also owe a deep debt of gratitude to William Pollock at No Starch Press, who rescued this book from obscurity. He is the one responsible for convincing me to spend some time beating on this book to create a publishable entity from it. I would also like to thank Karol Jurado for shepherding this project from its inception — it's been a long, hard road. Thanks, Karol.




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