Sunday, July 13, 2008

Teach Yourself Microsoft Office 2003 In 24 Hours (2003)

Who Should Read This Book?

This book is for both beginning and advanced Office 2003 users. Readers rarely believe that lofty claim for good reason, but the design of this book and the nature of Office 2003 make it possible for this book to address such a wide audience.

Readers unfamiliar with Windows–based software will find plenty of introductory help here that brings them quickly up to speed. This book teaches you how to work within Office 2003 as well as how to manage many of the Internet-based Office 2003 elements that you need to use Office 2003 in today's online world. This book talks to beginners without talking down to them.

This book also addresses those who presently use a Microsoft Office product. With your fundamental Office understanding, you will appreciate the new features and added power of Office 2003. Keep in mind that Office 2003 is similar to previous Office versions but includes new features, improvements, and Web-based add-ons to keep Office gurus intrigued for a long time. This book primarily teaches the Office 2003 Professional Edition, the edition that includes all the Office 2003 products and the one that sells the best.

What This Book Does for You

Although this book is not a complicated reference book, you learn almost every aspect of Office 2003 from a typical user's point of view. Office 2003 includes many advanced technical details that most users never need, and this book does not waste your time with those. You want to get up to speed with Office 2003 in 24 hours, and this book helps you fulfill that goal.

Those of you who are tired of the plethora of quick-fix computer titles cluttering today's shelves will find a welcome reprieve here. This book presents both the background and descriptions that a new Office 2003 user needs. In addition to the background, this book is practical and provides more than 100 step-by-step walkthroughs that you can work through to gain practical hands-on experience. These tasks guide you through all the common Office 2003 actions you need to make Office 2003 work for you.




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