Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ten Ton Dreamweaver (2006)

If you're thinking about creating or maintaining Web sites, you're likely to turn to Dreamweaver, the de facto software tool of choice for Web design today. What could be a chore, however, becomes a fun and fascinating challenge with this comprehensive yet clever guide. Author Geoff Blake turns a technical topic into an entertaining one by using conversational language, plenty of humor, facts, and tips to make Dreamweaver accessible to everyone. Behind all the jokes, however, is a wealth of information: After showing how Dreamweaver fits into the overall Web design puzzle, Geoff quickly gets down to building a basic Web site, by teaching good, 21st century work habits and providing step-by-step instructions for building pages from the very beginning with CSS styles and library items. With that knowledge under your belt, you'll be ready to tackle the advanced functionality (including behaviors, multimedia, and templates).




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