If you want a solid foundation for the serious effort of preparing for the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA Composite) 640-802 exam, then look no further. I have spent hundreds of hours putting together this book with the sole intention of helping you to pass the CCNA exam and learn how to configure Cisco routers and switches (among hundreds of other things!).
This book is loaded with valuable information, and you will get the most out of your studying time if you understand how I put the book together.
To best benefit from this book, I recommend the following study method:
1. Take the assessment test immediately following this introduction. (The answers are at the end of the test.) It’s okay if you don’t know any of the answers; that is why you bought this book! Carefully read over the explanations for any question you get wrong and note the chapters in which the material is covered. This information should help you plan your study strategy. Honestly, my recommendation is to just start reading from Chapter 1 and don’t stop until you’re all the way through Chapter 14.
2. Study each chapter carefully, making sure that you fully understand the information and the test objectives listed at the beginning of each one. Pay extra-close attention to any chapter that includes material covered in questions you missed in the assessment test.
3. Complete each Written Lab at the end of each chapter. Do not skip these written exercises because they directly relate to the CCNA Composite objectives and what you must glean from the chapters in which they appear. Do not just skim these labs! Make sure you understand completely the reason for each answer.
4. Complete all Hands-on Labs in the chapter (not all chapters have hands-on labs, referring to the text of the chapter so that you understand the reason for each step you take. If you do not have Cisco equipment available, go to www.routersim.com for a router simulator that will cover all the hands-on labs needed for all your Cisco certification needs.
5. Answer all of the Review Questions related to each chapter. (The answers appear at the end of the chapters.) Note the questions that confuse you and study those sections of the book again. Do not just skim these questions! Make sure you understand completely the reason for each answer. Remember that these will not be the exact questions you find on the exam; they are written to help you understand the chapter material.
6. Try your hand at the bonus exams that are included on the companion CD. The questions in these exams appear only on the CD. Check out www.lammle.com for more Cisco exam prep questions. The questions found at www.lammle.com will be updated at least monthly, if not weekly or even daily! Before you take your test, be sure and visit my web site for questions, videos, audios and other useful information.
7. Also on the companion CD is the first module from my complete CCNA video series, which covers internetworking and basic networking. This is critical for the CCNA exam. In addition, as an added bonus, I have included an audio section from my CCNA audio program. Do not skip the video and audio section!
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