In the past, people have tried a variety of techniques to organize information. They've used Rolodexes, punch cards, cardboard boxes, vertical files, Post-it notes, 10,000-page indexes, and (when all else failed) large piles on top of flat surfaces. But after much suffering, people discovered that computers were far better at dealing with information, especially when that information's large, complex, or changes frequently.
That's where Microsoft Access comes into the picture. Access is a tool for managing databasescarefully structured catalogs of information (or data). Databases can store just about any type of information, including numbers, pages of text, and pictures. Databases also range wildly in sizethey can handle everything from your list of family phone numbers to a ginormous product catalog for Aunt Ethel's Discount Button Boutique.
In this book, you'll learn how to design complete databases, maintain them, search for valuable nuggets of information, and build attractive forms for quick and easy data entry. You'll even delve into the black art of Access programming, where you'll pick up valuable tricks and techniques that you can use to automate common tasks, even if you've never touched a line of code before.
Best of all, this book was written from scratch for Access 2007, the latest and greatest incarnation of Microsoft's bestselling database software. Access 2007's quite a bit different from previous versions, with a slick new interface that has computer geeks buzzing. And for once, it's not just a gimmick. As you'll see in this book, once you master Access's new style, you'll be able to build great databases in record time.
What You Can Do with Access
The modern world is filled with information. A Web search for a ho-hum topic like "canned carrots" nets more than a million Web pages. As a result, it's no surprise that people from all walks of life need great tools to store and manage information.
It's impossible to describe even a fraction of the different databases that Access fans create every day. But just to get you thinking like a database maven, here are some common types of information that you can store handily in an Access database:
Catalogs of books, CDs, rare wine vintages, risqué movies, or anything else you want to collect and keep track of
Mailing lists that let you keep in touch with friends, family, and co-workers
Business information, like customer lists, product catalogs, order records, and invoices
Lists of guests and gifts for weddings and other celebrations
Lists of expenses, investments, and other financial planning details
Think of Access as a personal assistant that can help you organize, update, and find any type of information. This help isn't just a convenienceit also lets you do things you could never accomplish on your own.
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