Thursday, May 15, 2008

Core Java 2 - Volume I - Fundamentals, 7th Edition (2004)

How This Book Organized

Chapter 1 gives an overview of the capabilities of Java that set it apart from other programming languages. We explain what the designers of the language set out to do and to what extent they succeeded. Then, we give a short history of how Java came into being and how it has evolved.

In Chapter 2, we tell you how to download and install the JDK and the program examples for this book. Then we guide you through compiling and running three typical Java programs, a console application, a graphical application, and an applet, using the plain JDK, a Java-enabled text editor, and a Java IDE.

Chapter 3 starts the discussion of the Java language. In this chapter, we cover the basics: variables, loops, and simple functions. If you are a C or C++ programmer, this is smooth sailing because the syntax for these language features is essentially the same as in C. If you come from a non-C background such as Visual Basic, you will want to read this chapter carefully.

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is now in the mainstream of programming practice, and Java is completely object-oriented. Chapter 4 introduces encapsulation, the first of two fundamental building blocks of object orientation, and the Java language mechanism to implement it, that is, classes and methods. In addition to the rules of the Java language, we also give advice on sound OOP design. Finally, we cover the marvelous javadoc tool that formats your code comments as a set of hyperlinked web pages. If you are familiar with C++, then you can browse through this chapter quickly. Programmers coming from a non-object-oriented background should expect to spend some time mastering OOP concepts before going further with Java.

Classes and encapsulation are only one part of the OOP story, and Chapter 5 introduces the other, namely, inheritance. Inheritance lets you take an existing class and modify it according to your needs. This is a fundamental technique for programming in Java. The inheritance mechanism in Java is quite similar to that in C++. Once again, C++ programmers can focus on the differences between the languages.

Chapter 6 shows you how to use Java's notion of an interface. Interfaces let you go beyond the simple inheritance model of Chapter 5. Mastering interfaces allows you to have full access to the power of Java's completely object-oriented approach to programming. We also cover a useful technical feature of Java called inner classes. Inner classes help make your code cleaner and more concise.

In Chapter 7, we begin application programming in earnest. We show how you can make windows, how to paint on them, how to draw with geometric shapes, how to format text in multiple fonts, and how to display images.

Chapter 8 is a detailed discussion of the event model of the AWT, the abstract window toolkit. You'll see how to write the code that responds to events like mouse clicks or key presses. Along the way you'll see how to handle basic GUI elements like buttons and panels.

Chapter 9 discusses the Swing GUI toolkit in great detail. The Swing toolkit allows you to build a cross-platform graphical user interface. You'll learn all about the various kinds of buttons, text components, borders, sliders, list boxes, menus, and dialog boxes. However, some of the more advanced components are discussed in Volume 2.

After you finish Chapter 9, you finally have all mechanisms in place to write applets, those mini-programs that can live inside a web page, and so applets are the topic of Chapter 10. We show you a number of useful and fun applets, but more importantly, we look at applets as a method of program deployment. We then describe how to package applications in JAR files, and how to deliver applications over the Internet with the Java Web Start mechanism. Finally, we explain how Java programs can store and retrieve configuration information once they have been deployed.

Chapter 11 discusses exception handling, Java's robust mechanism to deal with the fact that bad things can happen to good programs. For example, a network connection can become unavailable in the middle of a file download, a disk can fill up, and so on. Exceptions give you an efficient way of separating the normal processing code from the error handling. Of course, even after hardening your program by handling all exceptional conditions, it still might fail to work as expected. In the second half of this chapter, we give you a large number of useful debugging tips. Finally, we guide you through sample sessions with various tools: the JDB debugger, the debugger of an integrated development environment, a profiler, a code coverage testing tool, and the AWT robot.

The topic of Chapter 12 is input and output handling. In Java, all I/O is handled through so-called streams. Streams let you deal in a uniform manner with communicating with any source of data, such as files, network connections, or memory blocks. We include detailed coverage of the reader and writer classes, which make it easy to deal with Unicode. We show you what goes on under the hood when you use the object serialization mechanism, which makes saving and loading objects easy and convenient. Finally, we cover several libraries that have been added to JDK 1.4: the "new I/O" classes that contain support for advanced and more efficient file operations, and the regular expression library.
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