Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Auction Templates Starter Kit (2006)

What's in This Book

This book consists of 10 chapters and 2 appendixes, organized into 4 major sections:

We'll start out in Part I, "Creating More Effective Auction Listings," by examining some design guidelines that should apply to all eBay auction listings.

Then, in Part II, "Using Predesigned Auction Templates," we'll take a look at various types of template-creation services, as well as a variety of predesigned downloadable templates.

In Part III, "Creating Your Own Auction Templates," we'll work through a crash course in HTML coding, complete with ready-to-use code you can use for your own eBay templates and special effects.

Finally, the book's two appendixes detail special HTML code you can use in your About Me and eBay Stores pages, as well as describe the contents of the CD that accompanies this book.

And the good thing is, what you read in this book is supplemented by the materials on the accompanying CD-ROM. The CD includes ready-to-use HTML code for all the templates and special effects presented in this book, as well as hundreds of other predesigned auction templates from a variety of third parties. There's even a selection of HTML and photo editing software you can use to help create your own auction templates. Like the title says, this truly is a "starter kit" for creating all different types of eBay auction templates!

Who Can Use This Book

eBay Auction Templates Starter Kit can be used by any level of eBay seller. If you want an easy solution, read the first two sections of the book and use the ready-to-use templates included on the accompanying CD. If you're a bit more adventurous, read the third section and learn how to create your own auction templates using simple HTML code. This is a lot easier than it sounds, thanks to the ready-to-run HTML code included on the accompanying CD. You don't have to be an experienced HTML programmer to get startedalthough there are plenty of tips and tricks that even veteran HTML coders will find useful. There's something for everyone!

How to Use This Book

I hope that this book is easy enough to read that you don't need instructions. That said, there are a few elements that bear explaining.

First, there are several special elements in this book, presented in what we in the publishing business call "margin notes." There are different types of margin notes for different types of information, as you see here.


This is a note that presents information of interest, even if it isn't wholly relevant to the discussion in the main text.


This is a tip that might prove useful for whatever it is you're in the process of doing.


This is a caution that something you might accidentally do might have undesirable results.

You'll also find several icons scattered throughout the margins of the text. These icons alert you to special information, as follows:

This icon tells you that the template, special effect, or software program under discussion can be found on the CD-ROM that accompanies this book.
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