Apache has always been at the core of the Web, from its modest beginnings as a fork of the NCSA server to the latest version that's packed with features. Over time it has grown in both capability and complexity to the point that it can be overwhelmingly intimidating to newcomers. The goal of this book is to help you navigate Apache's hundreds of options, as well as serve as a gentle introduction and handy cheat-sheet for common tasks. Just as a language phrasebook can be a priceless companion when visiting a foreign countryhelping you order food or ask for directionsI hope this Apache Phrasebook will be useful to you when configuring your web servers.
Apache Phrasebook provides guidance and snippets so you can customize Apache to suit your individual needs. There is more to Apache, of course, than can be covered in a book this size. When you register this book at www.samspublishing.com/register, you will find more content to complement it and highlight the most commonly used and not-so-common (but still useful) features of the server.
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