Saturday, May 24, 2008

Ubuntu Unleashed (2006)

What This Book Contains

Ubuntu Unleashed is organized into six parts, covering installation and configuration, Ubuntu on the desktop, system administration, programming and housekeeping, and a reference section. A disc containing the entire distribution is included so that you have everything you need to get started. This book starts by covering the initial and essential tasks required to get Ubuntu installed and running on a target system.

If you are new to Linux, and more specifically Ubuntu, first read the chapters in Part I, "Installation and Configuration." You will get valuable information on the following:

An overview of Ubuntu and Linux and their roles in various computing environments

Planning for an installation by examining hardware requirements and the need for organizing how the system is installed

Detailed steps that walk you through various types of installations

Critical advice on key configuration steps to fully install and configure Linux to work with your system's subsystems or peripherals, such as pointers, keyboards, modems, USB devices, power management, andfor laptop usersPCMCIA devices

Initial steps needed by new users transitioning from other computing environments

Configuration and use of the X Window System, the graphical interface for Linux

Part II,

"Desktop Ubuntu," is aimed at users who want to get productive with Ubuntu and covers the following:

Becoming familiar with the X Window System and looking at GNOME and KDE

Discovering the many productivity applications that come with Ubuntu

Surfing the Internet and working with email and newsgroups

Using Ubuntu to listen to music and watch video

Using Ubuntu to download and manipulate images from digital cameras

Setting up local printers for Ubuntu

Understanding the current state of gaming for Linux

Moving beyond the productivity and desktop areas of Ubuntu, Part III, "System Administration," covers the following:

Managing users and groups

Automating tasks and using shell scripts

Monitoring system resources and availability

Backup strategies and software

Network connectivity, including sharing folders and securing the network

Internet connectivity via dial-up and broadband connections

Building and deploying web servers

Database creation, management, and manipulation

File and print servers

Using FTP for serving files across the Internet and local networks

Building and deploying email servers using Postfix and managing mailing lists

Creating remote access gateways and services

Configuring DNS for your network

Using LDAP for storing information on users and security

Configuring a local news server

Part IV,

"Programming Linux," provides a great introduction to how you can extend Ubuntu capabilities even further using the development tools supplied with it. This part covers the following:

Programming in Perl, using variables and scripting

An introduction to the Python language

Writing PHP scripts and linking them to databases

C and C++ programming tools available with Ubuntu and how to use the GNU C Compiler (gcc)

Part V, "Ubuntu Housekeeping," looks at some of the more advanced skills you need to keep your system running in perfect condition, including the following:

Securing your machine against attack from outsiders and viruses

Performance tuning

Command-line masterclass

Advanced apt

Kernel and module management and compilation

An extensive reference in Part VI, "Appendix," gives you scope to explore in even more depth some of the topics covered in this book.
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