Good photographs sell items on eBay and help you maximize the sale prices of the items you sell on eBay. Poor photographs are a handicap to eBay sales. Average photographs will generate an average amount of interest for an item and consequently will not bring the maximum number of bidders or the maximum potential winning bid amount. Good photographs go a long way toward attracting a larger number of bidders and thus a higher winning bid amount. Great photographs often bring a winning bid amount that exceeds the expectations of the seller.
Who Is This Book For?
This book will be the most valuable to sellers who are eBay retailers. Their eBay activities are substantial because selling on eBay is a seri¬ous sideline or a full-time career for them. If you fall in this category, you’ll find this book helpful not only to take better photographs but also to process them efficiently. That is, you will learn how to take photographs faster and edit them faster so as to spend as little time as possible with this ongoing chore. With that in mind, we cover both camera work and post-processing work (image editing on a computer after a photograph is taken) in a digital image editor.
This is an encouraging concept, which starts the book off on a positive note. But let us (Stanley and Joe) use a depressing revelation to illus¬trate it: There are people who buy items that are accompanied by poor (or no) photographs on eBay, take good photographs of these items, and then resell the same items on eBay for a profit.
Of course, this isn’t cost-effective with $5 items. It’s much more likely to be successful with expensive items where the profits can be counted not in dollars, but in tens of dollars, or even hundreds or thousands of dollars. But any way you look at it, this seems to us a shocking prac¬tice, one that catches your attention. Don’t let this happen to you.
What We Cover In This Book
Unfortunately for those of you who already know how to use a digital camera well, we do have to cover basic photography for those who are not so knowledgable. In addition we will cover the following:
• Basic studio product photography
• Basic image editing
• Efficient workflow (from taking photographs of items with a dig¬ital camera to posting the photographs on eBay)
Yo u will find that we narrow down exactly what product photography is. We claim expertise only in product photography and not in other fields of knowledge closely associated with product photography, such as advertising or art (see story below). So this book does not necessar¬ily contain something for everyone. It contains only what is stated above, but covers each of those areas in a clear and complete manner.
We have designed this book to help you take photographs that will bring you the maximum sales prices on eBay without spending an undue amount of time or money on the process. Whether you take your eBay photographs yourself or have someone else do it, this book can help you save money and increase your income. It is not self-evi¬dent how to accomplish this. Different types of items require different approaches to photography, and we cover the basics that apply to a wide range of items.
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