Saturday, August 16, 2008

Visual Quickstart Guide MySQL, Second Edition

This book was written for a wide range of people within the beginner to intermediate range. Obviously, this book is for anyone wanting to use MySQL in some capacity, but I specifically had in mind three general types of readers:

Those who have never used any database before

Those who have used other databases and want to know how MySQL specifically operates

Those who are currently using MySQL in a limited capacity and would like to elevate their skills to a more professional level

In this book I explain the fundamentals of MySQL, teaching the information that most MySQL users will require. In keeping with the format of the Visual QuickStart series, the information is taught using a step-by-step approach with corresponding images. The demonstrations in the book will be geared toward specific knowledge as opposed to developing in-depth MySQL-based applications (such as a programming text might have).

Many of the examples in the book will be executed from a command-line inter-face, although the three programming chapters plus Chapter 12, "Techniques for Programming," will function differently. In those chapters, I will go through writing the scripts in detail and then test them using the most applicable technique (be it a Web browser or whatever).

The structure of the book is fairly linear. It begins with basic installation and administration of the software. After that, database design and SQLelements common to most database applicationswill be covered, followed by some MySQL-specific functions. The three programming chapters will come next. The book concludes with newer and more advanced features, some specific database-application techniques, and how to administer the MySQL server and databases. The appendices discuss troubleshooting techniques and provide a reference section along with where to turn for more information.



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