Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Programming The Windows Driver Model

Organization of This Book

Chapter 1, "Beginning a Driver Project," as I've mentioned, describes WDM device drivers and how they relate to Windows itself. Along the way, I'll relate the story of how we got to where we are today in operating system and driver technology. The chapter also explains how to choose the kind of driver you need, provides an overview and checklist specifically for development managers, and addresses the issue of binary compatibility.

Chapter 2, "Basic Structure of a WDM Driver," explains the basic data structures that Windows 2000 uses to manage I/O devices and the basic way your driver relates to those data structures. I'll discuss the driver object and the device object. I'll also discuss how you write two of the subroutines—the DriverEntry and AddDevice routines—that every WDM driver package contains.

Chapter 3, "Basic Programming Techniques," describes the most important service functions you can call on to perform mundane programming tasks. In that chapter, I'll discuss error handling, memory management, and a few other miscellaneous tasks.

Chapter 4, "Synchronization," discusses how your driver can synchronize access to shared data in the multitasking, multiprocessor world of Windows XP. You'll learn the details about interrupt request level (IRQL) and about various synchronization primitives that the operating system offers for your use.

Chapter 5, "The I/O Request Packet," introduces the subject of input/output programming, which of course is the real reason for this book. I'll explain where I/O request packets come from, and I'll give an overview of what drivers do with them when they follow what I call the "standard model" for IRP processing. I'll also discuss the knotty subject of IRP queuing and cancellation, wherein accurate reasoning about synchronization problems becomes crucial.

Chapter 6, "Plug and Play for Function Drivers," concerns just one type of I/O request packet, namely IRP_MJ_PNP. The Plug and Play Manager component of the operating system sends you this IRP to give you details about your device's configuration and to notify you of important events in the life of your device.

Chapter 7, "Reading and Writing Data," is where we finally get to write driver code that performs I/O operations. I'll discuss how you obtain configuration information from the PnP Manager and how you use that information to prepare your driver for "substantive" IRPs that read and write data. I'll present two simple driver sample programs as well: one for dealing with a PIO device and one for dealing with a bus-mastering DMA device.

Chapter 8, "Power Management," describes how your driver participates in power management. I think you'll find, as I did, that power management is pretty complicated. Unfortunately, you have to participate in the system's power management protocols, or else the system as a whole won't work right. Luckily, the community of driver writers already has a grand tradition of cutting and pasting, and that will save you.

Chapter 9, "I/O Control Operations," contains a discussion of this important way for applications and other drivers to communicate "out of band" with your driver.

Chapter 10, "Windows Management Instrumentation," concerns a scheme for enterprisewide computer management in which your driver can and should participate. I'll explain how you can provide statistical and performance data for use by monitoring applications, how you can respond to standard WMI controls, and how you can alert controlling applications of important events when they occur.

Chapter 11, "Controller and Multifunction Devices," discusses how to write a driver for a device that embodies multiple functions, or multiple instances of the same function, in one physical device.

Chapter 12, "The Universal Serial Bus," describes how to write drivers for USB devices.

Chapter 13, "Human Interface Devices," explains how to write a driver for this important class of devices.

Chapter 14, "Specialized Topics," describes system threads, work items, error logging, and other special programming topics.

Chapter 15, "Distributing Device Drivers," tells you how to arrange for your driver to get installed on end user systems. You'll learn the basics of writing an INF file to control installation, and you'll also learn some interesting and useful things to do with the system registry. This is where to look for information about WHQL submissions too.



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