Monday, August 18, 2008

Real World: Adobe Creative Suite 2

Adobe's Creative Suite offers a powerful unified design environment that includes Photoshop CS2, Illustrator CS 2, InDesign CS2, GoLive CS2 and Acrobat 7.0. Problem is, you've still got to learn the thing, and learn it well: Your job, after all, depends on it. No one understands that better than the authors of this book, who draw on their own real-world professional knowledge to deliver all the industrial-strength production techniques and timesaving tips you need to start creating print and web projects with the Creative Suite 2 in record time. You'll find everything you need here to successfully master its advanced tools; working with the Adobe Bridge file browser, Stock Photos and more.

Most of the computer books we've read (and written) are application-specific books. Some books show loads of pictures of the tools and dialog boxes. Others inspire you with amazing artwork that professionals have created. Still others take you step by step through projects.

For all their differences, all those books have one important thing in common: they all deal with just that single application. Yes, every once in a while, a chapter might touch on a feature in another program, but for the most part Photoshop books stay on the topic of Photoshop. InDesign books stay on the topic of InDesign. And never the twain shall meet.

This book is not suitable if you're just starting out and need to learn one (or all) of the Creative Suite applications. We're not going to teach you how to draw frames in InDesign or set the brushes in Photoshop. There are much better books for that. The Visual QuickStart guides from Peachpit Press are a great way to learn. The Adobe Classroom in a Book series is another.

So, who is this book for? Well, most obviously, it's for someone who is using Adobe Creative Suite 2 either Standard or Premium. (If you have the first Adobe Creative Suite, some of the methods and techniques we show will work, and some will not.) But you want to learn more than one application: With the Suite, you can start with whichever of the applications you know, and use that knowledge to leverage learning the others and how they work together.



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