Saturday, August 16, 2008

Programming Embedded Systems

This is a book about programming embedded systems in C. As such, it assumes that the reader already has some programming experience and is at least familiar with the syntax of the C language. It also helps if you have some familiarity with basic data structures, such as linked lists. The book does not assume that you have a great deal of knowledge about computer hardware, but it does expect that you are willing to learn a little bit about hardware along the way. This is, after all, a part of the job of an embedded programmer.

While writing this book, we had two types of readers in mind. The first reader is a beginnermuch as we were once. He has a background in computer science or engineering and a few years of programming experience. The beginner is interested in writing embedded software for a living but is not sure just how to get started. After reading the first several chapters, he will be able to put his programming skills to work developing simple embedded programs. The rest of the book will act as a reference for the more advanced topics encountered in the coming months and years of his career.

The second reader is already an embedded systems programmer. She is familiar with embedded hardware and knows how to write software for it but is looking for a reference book that explains key topics. Perhaps the embedded systems programmer has experience only with assembly language programming and is relatively new to C. In that case, the book will teach her how to use the C language effectively in an embedded system, and the later chapters will provide advanced material on real-time operating systems, peripherals, and code optimizations.

Whether you fall into one of these categories or not, we hope this book provides the information you are looking for in a format that is friendly and easily accessible.

Each year, globally, approximately one new processor is manufactured per person. That's more than six billion new processors each year, fewer than two percent of which are the Pentiums and PowerPCs at the heart of new personal computers. You may wonder whether there are really that many computers surrounding us. But we bet that within five minutes you can probably spot dozens of products in your own home that contain processors: televisions, stereos, MP3 players, coffee makers, alarm clocks, VCRs, DVD players, microwaves, dishwashers, remote controls, bread machines, digital watches, and so on. And those are just the personal possessionsmany more such devices are used at work. The fact that every one of those products contains not only a processor, but also software, is the impetus for this book.

One of the hardest things about this subject is knowing when to stop writing. Each embedded system is unique, and we have therefore learned that there is an exception to every rule. Nevertheless, we have tried to boil the subject down to its essence and present the things that programmers definitely need to know about embedded systems.



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